
Thursday 12 January 2012

The Liebster Award

I am really excited to announce that I have been nominated for a Liebster Award by the lovely Sue of Cake Balls, Cookies and More. I am really chuffed to receive my first blogging award, and just before the one year anniversary of Culinary Conquests too!! Thanks so much Sue!!

The Liebster Award, meaning favourite or dearest in German, recognises up and coming blogs with under 200 followers. The blogger awarded then gets to share the award with 5 bloggers of their choice, and I’m really excited to share with you some of my most loved food blogs.

Michael's Cappuccino Pavlova
First up is Michael of Me, My Food and I.
Michael was one of my very first followers and was the first person to comment on one of my posts, which was very much appreciated as I was starting out in the big wide world of blogging!! I love Michaels chatty style, and the stories that accompany his often Nigella themed recipes great!!

Emily's Hazelnut Macarons with Nutella

Secondly is Emily of What Emily Ate.
I originally stumbled across Emily’s fantastic music blog after she was awarded Blog of Note, and through it came to find her food blog, which is the perfect combination of delicious recipes and beautiful photographs. She has the loveliest crockery too!!

Laura Elizabeth's Granola and White Chocolate Cookies

Thirdly is Laura Elizabeth of Chocolate & Pears.
Laura is a girl after my own heart, she loves baking and florals too!! I adore her pretty blog and the biscuits, cakes and brownies she makes look so delicious. She’s also representing us students, being in her first year at university, and I’m pretty sure she must be the most popular girl on campus!!

Fullest Part of Life's Mango and Cardamom Infused Coconut, Almond Tarte

Fourthly is Fullest Part of Life.
A new blog find for me, this medical student makes tasty treats, and what makes Fullest Part of Life really appeal to me is her step by step photo guides for each recipe, ensuring your cooking goes without a hitch.

Jo's Chocolate and Strawberry Cake
And last but by no means least is Jo of What do you Make of my Cake?
Another baker, Jo has a very endearing obsession with crockery and often shows off her fabulous eBay and charity shop finds. Her recipes look delicious, and I love the stories that accompany them. 


  1. I am so happy to have found your blog and you deserve the award for sure!

  2. Wow, thank you very much :) florals and baking certainly are two of my favourite things! I love your blog, it's so nice to have a fellow student to look to! x

  3. Congratulations on the well-deserved award! I have enjoyed reading your blog and making new friend. Also thank you so much for passing the award to me. I am flattered. I hope you are well and have a great weekend!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing the award! What an awesome way to start the new year. I do indeed have a crockery obsession (glad you find it endearing, not crazy), I bought a teapot today!

    I'm also look forward to checking out the other blogs, so thanks for the new reads too!

  5. Thank you so much! I'm blushing, I am. x
