
Monday 18 July 2011

Turkish Eggs with Toast

Don’t worry, you’re not on a different blog, it’s still Culinary Conquests, just with a slightly more streamline look. When you look at the same page everyday for six months you kind of get a little bit bored, I certainly feel that I needed a change. Couple that with the acquisition of a brand new ‘proper’ camera that makes everything look beautiful, and there really were no excuses. I do hope that you like the changes, and that you can be patient with my photography as I get to know about apertures and exposure. Please let me know what you think, any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

Now back to the food, and something on the Turkish theme. I must admit that I never actually had Turkish eggs whilst on my holiday (I basically ate my bodyweight in lamb) but I did have a lot of garlic yoghurt, which is included here. I love poached eggs on toast, or as Ben likes to call it ‘eggy toasty’, but this made a welcome change to the traditional breakfast. I warn you it is rich, I didn’t need a lunch after it, but don’t let that put you off, it’s really very delicious.

The recipe can be found on Gizzi Erskine's website.


  1. I am liking the new look! I need to get a proper camera and some natural lighting too which is rare here. The eggs looks so gooey and rich. Yum!

  2. I wish I was clever enough to make my blog look like this! And those eggs look delicious. x
