
Saturday 23 July 2011

Lemon Curd

I seem to be a little bit obsessed with the flavour of lemon and meringue at the moment. First a lemon meringue fool, and now lemon curd for lemon meringue ice cream. What can I say, it’s a really delicious flavour, and makes me feel a little bit more summery when the weather is so miserable outside. This humble jar of lemon curd marks my first steps into the wonderful world of jarred goods. Just wait till winter when I plan to start a mini production line of chutneys and jams to give as Christmas presents.

This is the first recipe I have tried from my latest book investment, ‘Cook, Eat, Smile’, by Bill Collison. I hope that anyone who has ever visited Brighton has had the pleasure of eating at Bills Produce Store. In a town with plenty of great restaurants and cafĂ©’s Bill’s excels itself at providing the most spectacular and, most importantly, delicious breakfast, brunches, lunches, snacks and suppers, including the best brownie I’ve ever bought. High praise indeed. As well as that, the large, almost warehouse like, dining space, is covered in floor to ceiling shelves filled with lots of lovely jams and crisps and beers and other products labeled with fabulous vintage style labels which make the perfect gifts.

The recipe book follows a similar theme, and really captures the essence of what Bills Produce Store is all about. Separated into seasons, and championing the best in British seasonal produce, the book showcases some of the favourites that are found in the restaurant as well as many other original dishes.

The lemon curd recipe was easy to follow, and very easy to put together, you just need a bit of patience waiting for it to thicken whilst you constantly stir. A funnel would be a useful tool for decanting the curd into sterilized jars, something I learnt the hard way!! The result is a gorgeous golden yellow, thick and zesty lemon curd which tastes nothing like what you would buy at the supermarket and goes great simply spread on toast, or in the lemon meringue ice cream which I should be sharing with you in a couple of days.

Makes 1 medium Jar
60g unsalted butter
2 lemons, zested and juices
2 eggs, lightly beaten
175g caster sugar
a medium sterilized jar (to sterilize run through a hot wash in the dishwasher)
  1. Place a bowl over a pan of gently simmering water and melt the butter in the bowl. Add all the other ingredients and stir to combine with a wooden spoon.
  2. Keep the heat low as you continue to stir the mixture until it thickens and coats the back of spoon. Bill says it should take around 15 minutes but I would say it took me about 25 minutes to reach this point.
  3. Strain the curd into warm sterilized jars and seal. Keep in the fridge for up to three weeks.


  1. LOVE lemon curd, especially on toast! I plan on making Christmas spiced orange curd for little Christmas gifts this year!

  2. This looks fabulous! Lemon is one of my favorite flavors, especially during the summer. I bet this would make a wonderful cupcake or cake filling.

    - Maggie

  3. Love lemon curd... Yours looks so rich and fantastic. What a great idea for Christmas presents. A couple of years ago I gave my friends vanilla sugar. Maybe they'll be getting lemon curd this year :)

  4. oh I adore lemon curd and what a lovely blog u have
